Area Theorem of Infection Curves for Large Basic Reproduction Number


  • Takesi Saito



A remarkable theorem is established in the SIR model in Epidemiology, that is, when the basic reproduction number α is larger than 5, the area of any infection curve is constant given by 1/c, where c is the removed ratio. From this theorem we see that as α gets bigger, the infection curve raises sharply, but its half width decreases inversely. Accordingly, the wave of Omicron will end with a shorter life-time than that of the wave of Delta, because α for Omicron is larger than Delta’s which is regarded as 5<α<9. A rough estimation of the 5-wave area of infection in Japan tells us that the 6-wave will reach a peak on early in Feb., then it will be controlled around early in March.




How to Cite

Saito, T. (2022). Area Theorem of Infection Curves for Large Basic Reproduction Number. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(1), 482–486.