Computing on Encrypted Data into the Cloud Though Fully Homomorphic Encryption


  • Samiha Jlilab LIIAN, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science FSDM, USMBA Fez, Morocco
  • Hassan Satori Department of Mathematics and Computer Science FPN, UMP Nador, Morocco
  • Khalid Satori LIIAN, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science FSDM, USMBA Fez, Morocco



Cloud Computing, Third-Party, Data Privacy, Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Partially Homomorphic Encryption, RSA, ElGamal, Paillier, Gentry’s scheme.


Securing Data in the cloud based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a new and potential form of security that allows computing on encrypted data without decrypted it first. However, a practical FHE solution is not available for implementation today.  In this work, we propose a platform based on open source solutions to perform data computations (addition and multiplication) on encrypted form. In addition, taking account of efficiently and the security component, the most popular partially homomorphic encryption algorithms (RSA, Paillier and ElGamal) are studied to analyze the process times of encryption, decryption and computation of each algorithm. Furthermore, to compromise between performance and security, we need to study different key sizes and different data sizes as parameters.



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How to Cite

Jlilab, S., Satori, H., & Satori, K. (2017). Computing on Encrypted Data into the Cloud Though Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences, 5(4).



Special Issue : 1st International Conference on Affective computing, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems