Integration of the Cloud Environment in E-Learning Systems


  • Karim Dahdouh LSI, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, FPT,Taza, Morocco
  • Ahmed Dakak LSI, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, FPT,Taza, Morocco
  • Lahcen Oughdir LSI, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, FPT,Taza, Morocco



E-learning, Cloud Computing, Cloud services, e-learning cloud, e- learning based cloud, Learner, Iaas, Saas, Paas.


Nowadays, e-learning systems have known a major revolution, especially with the emergence of new information and communication technologies and the enormous growth in the number of learners, educational content and resources. which causes many challenges in terms of optimizing resources such as compute, storage and communication, highlighting the need to use a model that meets evolving requirements and cost control. In this context, cloud computing is proving to be a promising model because of its permanent scalability and the efficient use of resources. This paper presents the characteristics of current e-learning systems, then analyzes the concept of cloud computing and describes the architecture of it by combining the features of e-learning. We propose an approach of using and harnessing Cloud computing services in e-learning systems to build an e-learning environment based on cloud computing.


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How to Cite

Dahdouh, K., Dakak, A., & Oughdir, L. (2017). Integration of the Cloud Environment in E-Learning Systems. Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences, 5(4).



Special Issue : 1st International Conference on Affective computing, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems