Role Of Neural Analysis In Epileptic Attacks With Special Reference To Trace Elemental And Immunological Findings


  • Sanjeev Kumar Mittal
  • Vinod Kumar
  • Reena Ms



Neuron, Brain, Excitable cell, Epilepsy, Nervous system


Neural circuits that are involved in feeding behavior show precise coordination with brain centre that modulate energy homeostasis and cognitive function. The effects of food on cognition and emotions can start before act of feeding itself. The recollection of foods through olfactory and visual sensory inputs alerts the emotional status of the brain. The ingestion of foods triggers the release of hormones or peptides. These hormones or peptides can reach centre such as the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and activate signal – transduction pathways. Epileptic attacks or seizures may be regarded as an emergent property of a network where the underlying physiology oscillatory coordination has given way to excessive coordination. It may be significant that the medial temporal cortex, an area where high amplitude oscillation appears to play a role in episodic memory. It is susceptible to seizure. The trace elements such as Cu, Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na and K are found in the traces in our blood .The excess and deficiency cause different body disorders and affect the immunity of human beings. If the immunity is disturbed in our system many diseases affect our CNS. In the present study we have tried to show how the trace elements and other abnormalities are related to neural system? A guideline for clinicians and researchers can be made.


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How to Cite

Kumar Mittal, S., Kumar, V., & Ms, R. (2014). Role Of Neural Analysis In Epileptic Attacks With Special Reference To Trace Elemental And Immunological Findings. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 1(2).