Gallstone Illeus, a difficult diagnosis

Case Report


  • Luis Saenz Surgeon
  • Morelos Adolfo García Sánchez Colonic and Rectal Surgeon and General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Rubén Leñero” General Hospital Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Alfredo Barrera Zavala General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Carolina León Mancilla General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Mireya De La Fuente González General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Gaudencio Gonzalez Garza” General Hospital Specialized Medical Unit, “La Raza”, National Medical Center, Mexican Social Security Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City. Mexico.
  • Eduardo Hermes Cisneros Nava General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Alan Karecci Ocampo Vargas General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Azalia Rosalia Pérez Galicia General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Miguel Fernando Juárez Moyron General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Eduardo Muñoz Portillo General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Michelle Mendoza Rossano General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Ruben Leñero" General Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, Mexico
  • Oswaldo Díaz González General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Gaudencio Gonzalez Garza” General Hospital Specialized Medical Unit, “La Raza”, National Medical Center, Mexican Social Security Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City. Mexico.
  • Fausto Romero Vallejo General Surgeon and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Endoscopy Department at ABC Medical Center, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México.
  • Alejandro Badillo Bravo General Surgeon, Surgical Department, “Dr. Belisario Dominguez” Specialty Hospital, Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México
  • Elizabeth Mendoza Portillo Internal Medicine and Critical Medicine Care, Intensive Care Unit Departament at “Dr. Rubén Leñero” General Hospital Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City.
  • José Juan Lozano Nuevo Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine Department at “Ticoman” General Hospital Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México.



Gallstone ileus, cholecystoenteric fistula, surgery



Gallstone ileus is a rare cause of mechanical bowel obstruction seen in patients with a history of cholelithiasis or cholecystitis. Its diagnosis is difficult since it presents vague and nonspecific symptoms. This is the case of a 69-year-old woman with a history of arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus, without a surgical history, who is admitted to the emergency room due to abdominal pain. Her diagnosis is based on contrast X-ray images, computed tomography (CT) and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Surgery remains being the gold standard treatment.


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How to Cite

Saenz, L., Sánchez, M. A. G. ., Zavala, A. B. ., Mancilla, C. L. ., González, M. D. L. F. ., Cisneros Nava, E. H. ., Ocampo Vargas, A. K. ., Galicia, A. R. P. ., Moyron, M. F. J. ., Portillo, E. M. ., Rossano, M. M. ., González, O. D. ., Vallejo, F. R. ., Bravo, A. B. ., Portillo, E. M. ., & Nuevo, J. J. L. . (2020). Gallstone Illeus, a difficult diagnosis: Case Report. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 7(6), 01–05.

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