
  • Charles E. Notar
  • Stefanie R. Sorbet



Classroom Arrangement, Instructional Models, Instructional Time, Learning Activities, Organizational patterns, Presence and Proximity, Reflection, Procedures, Rules, Intrinsic Motivation, Routines, Teaching


Teachers in today’s classrooms are called to “build a bridge” in order to best meet the needs of their students. Through organizing a classroom, building procedures and rules, fostering intrinsic motivation in students, providing engaging lessons that attain meaningful objectives all while self-reflecting and adjusting along the way are just some of the steps taken by classroom teachers each day in order to best “build a bridge” and meet their students’ needs. Teachers with well-planned and thoughtfully organized classrooms that are constructed with a foundation of support, lead students with routines to succeed. Through accepting feedback and engaging in self-reflection, teachers can adjust lessons and management techniques throughout the school year based on students’ response and achievement. This article provides a guided approach for teachers from setting up the classroom, establishing rules and procedures, to the organization and delivery of content area in a manner that best supports the successes of all students involved.


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How to Cite

Notar, C. E., & Sorbet, S. R. (2020). THE BRIDGE to LEARNING is you the TEACHER!. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 462–482.