Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 2024-07-10T15:43:00+01:00 Florence Arthur Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal</strong> (ISSN : 2055-0286) is an international peer reviewed open access bi-monthly on-line journal published by the Services for Science and Education United Kingdom. The journal encourages the researchers and practitioners to publish their research work with an objective to widely share their thoughts, ideas and findings beyond physical boundaries. Theoretical &amp; empirical research articles, reviews and case studies related to all the field of social sciences are welcomed for publication after careful reviews and recommendations from subject experts.</p> <p>Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) aims to provide a platform for the researches and professionals to publish and get credit of their innovative research work. It appreciates the theoretical and empirical research in all the fields of knowledge related to social sciences particularly in the domain of Accounting and Finance, Advertisement, Behavioural Sciences, Business Management, Contemporary business issues, Contemporary marketing &amp; Finance, Cultural studies, Developmental economics, Economics, Econometrics, Entrepreneurship and small business management, Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Management Sciences, Operation and Production Management, Organizational Behaviour, Portfolio management, Research Methods in Business, Social ethics in various societies.</p> Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism with Roots In (Neo)Colonization 2024-07-10T15:43:00+01:00 Carl H. D. Steinmetz <p>Many Western countries and their citizens react to right-wing extremism as if it were a coup against the democratic rule of law. This article explores the reasons for this. It does so as follows. First, by outlining what is meant by right-wing extremism. But also by addressing the theories that right-wing extremists use to support their ideology of destruction and subversion. Second, this article examines the numbers of right-wing extremists in Europe and in the European Parliament. In this European Parliament, right-wing extremists have become a party that cannot be ignored. In fact, even Hungary's far-right prime minister, Viktor Orbán, is now taking over the EU presidency for six months. Third, this article addresses the threat of right-wing extremist terrorism. This is done on the basis of a number of states that oppress citizens in their own and neighboring countries, invoking the adage: "one's own country and one's own people come first. Russia and Israel are the two countries most often mentioned. Attention is also paid to individual Western far-right terrorists who target Muslims, sub-Saharan Africans, and the "leftist" elite. Their far-right ideology is strongly discussed in this article. Fourth, we test the hypothesis that the ancestors of right-wing extremists had their first experiences with dismissing the other as inferior and inferior in the former Western colonies. In doing so, we do not close our eyes to neocolonial behavior. The elaboration of this hypothesis is that they treat immigrants, refugees and expatriates in the same way as their ancestors did in the former colonies on the African, Asian and American continents. Isolation, exploitation, enslavement, plundering, looting and torture, as well as genocidal wars, were the order of the day. Epigenetics shows that the distinction between genotype and phenotype is based on genotypic changes due to phenotypic conditions. In short, poor living conditions due to institutional racism, stress, pollution, overcrowding and deprivation lead to negative genetic changes. The victims of epigenetic transformation are mainly immigrants, refugees and expatriates in Western countries and the original populations in the former Western colonies. Finally, this article shows that it is a significant number of immigrants, refugees, and expatriates who are told by right-wing extremists that they are not welcome in their continent, country, province, neighborhood, and street. With God's evidence, this article shows that human beings were not created to fight each other with fire and sword.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Carl H. D. Steinmetz The Crises Facing Sports Federations in Libya 2024-07-09T17:32:48+01:00 Abdelbaset Abdullah Ghaith Abdulmajeed Mohamed Chadli Jalid <p>The study aimed to identify the crises facing sports federations in Libya, and the study community consisted of the heads of the committees of sports federations in Libya, whose number (150) members, where the study was conducted by a comprehensive inventory method, as their number reached (150) members, and the researcher built a questionnaire as a study tool, and included (37) paragraphs, distributed on four axes, namely the administrative axis, the technical axis, the potential axis, and the legislative axis, and the validity and stability of the study tool was verified using statistical methods. The results of the study showed the crises facing sports federations in Libya, the legislative axis ranked first with relative importance (78.4%), followed by the possibilities axis on the second place with relative importance (77.79%), followed by the third-place administrative axis with relative importance (69.48%), while the last place came the technical axis with relative importance (36.60%). In light of these results, the study made a set of recommendations, including working to provide appropriate capabilities for sports federations adequately and within international standards and levels, benefiting from the experiences of other countries in crises in sports federations and bodies, and taking preventive measures to face some of the expected crises.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdelbaset Abdullah Ghaith Abdulmajeed, Mohamed Chadli Jalid Digital Transformation, Emotional Intelligence, and Organizational Culture Toward Internal Audit Quality: Conceptual Framework 2024-07-04T07:36:13+01:00 Muidh Hamad Alsagoor Zaidi Bin Mat Daud Mohammad Noor Hisham Bin Osman <p>This paper investigates the interplay between digital transformation, emotional intelligence (EI), and internal auditing quality within Saudi public institutions, with a focus on the mediating role of EI and the moderating role of organizational culture. The advent of digital transformation has significantly influenced internal auditing practices, necessitating an adaptation to new technologies and methodologies. Emotional intelligence is identified as a crucial factor in enabling audit teams to effectively manage the challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation, enhancing communication, decision-making, and adaptability. Organizational culture further influences this relationship by providing a supportive environment that facilitates the adoption of digital innovations and the development of EI among audit personnel. The findings suggest that a synergistic approach, incorporating digital transformation initiatives with the development of EI and fostering a conducive organizational culture, can significantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of internal auditing in Saudi public institutions. This study contributes to the understanding of how digital transformation, EI, and organizational culture interact to improve internal auditing practices, offering valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners aiming to optimize internal audit functions in the face of ongoing digital advancements.</p> 2024-07-17T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muidh Hamad Alsagoor, Zaidi Bin Mat Daud, Mohammad Noor Hisham Bin Osman Impact of Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Capabilities, Digital Innovation, IT Flexibility on Firm Performance in Saudi Arabia Islamic Bank 2024-06-29T12:41:48+01:00 Miad Murayh M Alqahtani Harcharanjit Singh Essa Ali A Haddadi Fatema Salim Rashid Al-Shibli Hanan Ahmed Abdullah Al-balushi <p class="Boody1"><span lang="EN-US">This study delves into the impact of technological advancements on firm performance within the Islamic banking sector in Saudi Arabia, focusing on the roles of Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities, Cloud Computing Capabilities (CCC), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. It explores how these technological dimensions influence operational efficiency, customer engagement, and competitive positioning, thereby affecting overall firm performance. The research further investigates the mediating role of digital innovation in translating technological capabilities into performance outcomes and examines the moderating effects of digital capabilities and IT flexibility on this relationship. Through empirical analysis, the study demonstrates that IoT, CCC, and AI capabilities are crucial drivers of firm performance, offering significant opportunities for process optimization, service innovation, and market differentiation. Digital innovation is identified as a key mediator that enables Islamic banks to harness the full potential of these technologies, suggesting that the strategic integration of digital innovation practices is vital for realizing performance gains. Additionally, the findings highlight the importance of robust digital capabilities and a flexible IT infrastructure in maximizing the benefits of technological advancements, underscoring their role in facilitating adaptation to technological changes and fostering a culture of continuous innovation. The study contributes to the literature on technology management and banking performance by providing insights into the strategic value of technological capabilities and digital innovation within the Islamic banking context. It offers practical implications for banking executives and policymakers in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach that encompasses technological adoption, innovation management, and capability development to achieve enhanced firm performance in the digital era.</span></p> 2024-07-17T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Miad Murayh M Alqahtani, Harcharanjit Singh, Essa Ali A Haddadi, Fatema Salim Rashid Al-Shibli, Hanan Ahmed Abdullah Al-balushi Islamic Value-Based Digital Storytelling in Persuasive Messages on Social Media for Crowdfunding Organizations (Narrative Analysis of Instagram Account @Actforhumanity) 2024-06-22T06:23:46+01:00 Afif Zuhdi Satriaji Nia Ashton Destrity <p>This research aims to analyze narrative digital storytelling based on Islamic values created by the Instagram account @actforhumanity. The researchers use a narrative analysis method within a constructivist paradigm, focusing on posts containing photos, videos, and captions that include Islamic values, characterization, emotion, and setting elements. The study covers posts from October 1, 2021, to January 20, 2022. The research identifies ten programs conducted by the Aksi Cepat Tanggap team. Two characterization methods were found: Aksi Cepat Tanggap as the hero helping victims and descriptions of the problems faced by victims. The study identifies thirteen types of settings, with citizen residences, refugee camps, and open spaces being the most dominant. Eleven emotions were identified, with sadness, compassion, and joy being the most prevalent. Seventeen kinds of Islamic values were used to build narratives, with the values of caring, charity, and helping each other being the most prominent.</p> 2024-07-07T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afif Zuhdi Satriaji, Nia Ashton Destrity The Radioecological Peculiarities of Soil Cover in Mountainous Areas (Kyrgyzstan) 2024-06-13T17:56:54+01:00 B. М. Djenbaev Z. A. Dzhamanbaeva B. T. Zholboldiev U. Zh Karmisheva B. K. Kaldibaev A. A. Zhalilova <p>The article presents the results of a radiological study of mountain soils depending on the height above sea level (740 - 760; 1600-1700 and 2000-2500 m above sea level) on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Mountainous areas are characterized by denudation-erosion processes and humus; total nitrogen, gross phosphorus and potassium in the soil cover in mountainous zones are not uniform; in general, the studied zones are at the level of a natural area with small deviations, this is due to both natural and man-made processes. The content of natural radionuclides in the studied soil samples of mountain dark chestnut soils (tailing ponds and the adjacent territory) is several times higher than the average Clarke values, where a sharp decrease in the content of radionuclides is observed in the lower 20-60 cm layers, compared to mountain meadow-steppe subalpine soils. Radioecological analyzes in the city of Bishkek showed that, in general, the exposure dose is at background levels and below established standards. In the Issyk-Kul Biosphere Territory, the calculated annual doses to the population from all routes of exposure to radionuclides in the conditions of the Issyk-Kul region do not exceed the established norm (1 mSv per year). Mothballed storage facilities and dumps are a dangerous potential source of environmental pollution and therefore require constant monitoring.</p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Djenbaev B. М., Dzhamanbaeva Z. A., Zholboldiev B. T., Karmisheva U. Zh, Kaldibaev B. K., Zhalilova A. A. Assessing the Effectiveness of the Enforcement and Implementation of the Ban on Importation of Some Selected Second-Hand Items 2024-06-10T11:27:20+01:00 Emmanuel Sena Gohoho Christabel Ewedji <p>Importation of second hand items has been a concern in Ghana. In 1994, Ghana passed the Legislative Instrument (LI) 1586, which outlawed the importation; clearance and sale of used undergarments because they were found to be unhygienic and presented a health hazard. Two decades after the introduction of the ban of second items, these items can still be found on the Ghanaian markets. The Ghanaian market continue to be flooded with these second hand items despite the existing ban on their importation into the country. The study investigated the effectiveness of the banned items. Data was collected from both traders and custom officials using simple random and purposive sampling methods respectively. The study found that the implementation of the ban on the selcted items is not effective. Customs is complicit in the countinuous importation of the banned items into the country. Some Customs officials have allowed the trade to continue to fester by conniving with traders. This has created an enabling environment for traders to continually import the banned items into the country. The study recommends that Customs Division of GRA should launch an investigation into their operations and identify the officials engaged in these activities and the necessary actions be applied.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Emmanuel Sena Gohoho, Christabel Ewedji Psychosocial Adjustment Among Senior Volleyball Players in Libya 2024-07-09T17:35:15+01:00 Mabrouk Faraj Wanis Belaid Mohamed Chadli Jalid <p>The research aimed to identify the level of psychosocial compatibility among senior volleyball players in Libya, and the research community consisted of (120) senior volleyball players distributed among (10) clubs, where the research was conducted by a comprehensive inventory method and the researcher used the Cooper-Smith scale (1978) and the Watkins scale (1978) to measure psychological compatibility, The reliability and Reliability of the study tool was verified using statistical methods represented by arithmetic means, standard deviations, percentages and inferential statistics to test the Reliability of the study tool (Pearson correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha) and in light of the research results a set of recommendations, including working on Training in the psychological field by collecting scientific information in psychology and social psychology and the necessity of having a psychologist in the teams in order to help them deal with various situations in their sports life and help players overcome the difficulties that may meet them that are consistent with their inclinations and desires.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mabrouk Faraj Wanis Belaid, Mohamed Chadli Jalid Obstacles to Scientific Research from the Point of View of Graduate Students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tripoli 2024-07-09T00:34:43+01:00 Abdurazag Khalifa Alayuri Mohamed Chadli Jalid <p>This research aimed to identify the obstacles to scientific research from the point of view of graduate students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at Tripoli University related to faculty members, related to graduate students, and related to the administrative side and supervision, the researcher used the descriptive method by survey method due to its suitability to the nature of this research, the research sample was selected randomly, where the total number of the sample amounted to (77) students with a percentage of (48%), and the most important findings of this research were that the responses of the sample members towards the dimensions of The most important findings of this research were that the responses of the sample members towards the dimensions of the axis of obstacles to scientific research from their point of view were realistic and were not due to chance, and the results of the responses of the research sample towards the stability coefficients of the axis of obstacles to scientific research ranged from (73% to 83%), and that the overall stability scores for the axis as a whole amounted to (84%), which are high stability scores.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdurazag Khalifa Alayuri, Mohamed Chadli Jalid Transitioning from Secondary Level (8 – 12) To Higher Institution Entry Towards Enhancing Curriculum Design: A Case of The Namibian Education System 2024-07-03T11:42:10+01:00 Hilma Nangula Hamunyela William Mafelelezo Kakambi <p>This study examines the critical transition from secondary education to higher institutions in Namibia, focusing on grades 8-12 and entry into higher education. It uses a framework that highlights the interplay between Senior High School (SHS) profiles, entry requirements, transitioning, and curriculum redesign. The research addresses key issues, such as public universities' entry criteria, SHS graduates' preparedness for university life, and the relationship between entry requirements and transitioning readiness. Additionally, it explores how SHS profiles influence this transition and its implications for curriculum redesign. By reviewing existing literature and collecting quantitative and qualitative data, the study aims to offer insights that inform interventions and policy reforms. The findings are intended to guide educational stakeholders, policymakers, and practitioners in improving the transition process, promoting academic success and overall development for Namibian students.</p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hilma Nangula Hamunyela, William Mafelelezo Kakambi The College Campus, a Place of Learning, and a Place of Healing 2024-06-27T03:56:09+01:00 Huma A. Bashir Joshua Francis <p style="line-height: 200%;">The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have precipitated a marked increase in mental health needs among college students. Lockdowns, the sudden shift to remote learning, and social distancing mandates have compounded existing challenges, highlighting a trend that has evolved over the past two decades. Despite heightened demand for mental health support, colleges struggle to meet these needs amid the emotional aftermath of COVID-19 effectively. Recognizing the pivotal role of higher education institutions in shaping future leaders and addressing and enhancing the mental well-being of the college community is imperative to foster an environment conducive to learning and healing. This paper will review current literature on mental health within college campuses, examining multifaceted contributors to mental health challenges. Additionally, it aims to provide college practitioners with campus-wide strategies to support students, faculty, and staff, acknowledging the interconnectedness of the entire college community.</p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Huma A. Bashir, Joshua Francis A Comparison of Children’s Social Behaviors in Single Mother and Two Parent Families in Japan 2024-06-13T18:02:38+01:00 Emiko Katsurada Mizuho Ueda <p>The present study examined the differences between young children from single-mother families and those from two-parent families based on their prosocial behaviors and behavior problems. Mothers’ affectionate parenting was also compared.&nbsp; We collected data using a Japanese online survey company. A total of 335 women who had a 3 to 5-year-old child participated; 51.2% of which were single mothers. The mothers rated their child’s behavior problems and prosocial behavior and answered a questionnaire on affectionate parenting. The results indicated a significant interaction effect of family structure and child’s gender on children’s behavior problems. The scores of girls were significantly higher than those of the boys in single-mother families, whereas no such gender difference was found in two-parent families. Concerning the scores of children’s prosocial behaviors and the mothers’ affectionate physical contact, however, there was no difference between single-mother and two-parent households. Limitations of using internet surveys were discussed.</p> 2024-07-07T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Emiko Katsurada, Mizuho Ueda History’s Legacy: Human Nature Is Unchanging 2024-06-11T15:03:23+01:00 Fabrizio Pezzani <p>Today we ought to be in a completely different situation from that of Plato and Raphael during " italian renaisance ", thanks to the progress and power of technical knowledge. A knowledge which has become an end in itself for the modern world, one that should have provided answers to satisfy our primary needs, releasing us from our “shackles”, reducing inequalities, freeing us, at least in part, from a life of fatigue and suffering in physical terms. Scientific knowledge should have helped to create a situation in which our free, inventive mind could once again be the driving force of life, leading us to that dimension of spiritual joy we admire in splendid works of art.&nbsp;This is what Keynes thought would happen. In his essay <em>Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren </em>written in 1930 he said: ‘Thus for the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem – how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, which science and compound interest will have won for him [...]. The love of money as a possession – as distinguished from the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of life – will be recognised for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity, one of those semi-criminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease’.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fabrizio Pezzani