
  • Antonio PUCCINI Neurophysiologist of Health Ministry, Naples – Italy




Strong Interaction (SI); Weak Interaction (WI); Quantum Mechanics(QM); Gluon(G); Brout-Englert-Higgs Mechanism (BEH-M); Electromagnetic(EM); Quark(Q).


The rules established by Quantum Mechanics (QM) play a crucial role, through the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP), in the spatial Confinement of Quarks and Gluons, which have remained eternally confined, since the down of time, in an extremely narrow space by the Strong Interaction.
The enormous amount of energy the Q borrows in favor of the emitted G, prevents it from covering a long way. According to HUP the energy debt has to be paid immediately, and the G flow path, i.e. of its range, will be determined by the short existence that QM gives to the G. Consequently, the very short range of G implies that, according to Yukawa Principle, but in disagreement with gauge theories and Quantum Fields Theory, its mass cannot be = 0, but very high. Our calculations, in fact, show that the range of G should correspond approximately to 8.44[±1.44] 10-16[cm]. This value, therefore, indicates the maximum distance that can separate a Q from the other two inside of a hadron.


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How to Cite

PUCCINI, A. . (2020). QUARKS and GLUONS CONFINEMENT: a POSSIBLE PHYSICAL EXPLANATION. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(6), 27–61. https://doi.org/10.14738/aivp.86.9082