Study of Erosion Processes in the Tinto Salt-Marshes with Remote Sensing Images


  • Emilio Ramirez-Juidias Universidad de Sevilla



Unmanned aerial vehicle, Eroded soil, Wave energy, Wetlands


Both climatic factors and the sea wave energy are two important factors to study the tidal wetlands. One of the most important wetlands in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula is the Tinto salt-marshes, the third largest wetland in Andalusia after Doñana and Odiel salt-marshes. From 1956 to 2010 the land use changes (LUC) have given rise to a great landscape transformation that along with the effects of recent climate change, have caused a strong impact on the environment. With the development of image processing techniques and use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is possible to obtain patterns of erosion sufficiently precisely. In this paper, a new methodology patented by the author is presented and used to obtain the total volume of eroded soil in the Tinto salt-marshes. In the same way, the different causes that give rise to this phenomenon as well as the influence of intertidal processes are discussed.  The results shown how the erosion processes are an immediate consequence of the low kinetic energy in the Tinto river and hence of the progressive increase of the negative rate of eroded soil.

Author Biography

Emilio Ramirez-Juidias, Universidad de Sevilla

Tenured Lecturer

Department of Graphical Engineering


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How to Cite

Ramirez-Juidias, E. (2014). Study of Erosion Processes in the Tinto Salt-Marshes with Remote Sensing Images. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(4), 39–52.