The First Implementation of Music at High Schools in Vietnam
music, high school, implementation, first timeAbstract
After several educational reforms, in the 2018 general education program, music has officially implemented in high school level as an elective subject with the content and requirements to be consistent with other grades. This process goes through several periods such as compilation and assessment of new textbooks; training teachers to implement the program to meet the differentiation and career orientation of students.
Relevant documents, decrees, resolutions and circulars
Directive 40-CT/TW of the Secretariat dated June 15, 2004 on building and improving the quality of teachers and educational management.
General education program at the upper secondary level in 2018.
Communist Party of Vietnam (2011), Document of the 11th National Party Congress, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.
Resolution 40/2000/QH 10 of the National Assembly dated December 9, 2000
Decision No. 09/2005/QD-TTg dated January 11, 2005 of the Prime Minister approving the Project «Building and improving the quality of teachers and educational administrators in the period 2005-2010»
Resolution No. 88/2014/NQ-QH 13 of the 13th National Assembly promulgated on November 28, 2014 on reforming the curriculum of general education textbooks after 2015
Scientific articles, theses, dissertations and monographs.
Carol Ann, Tomlinson, Responding to the Needs of All Learners (Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1999).
Tomlinson, Carol Ann. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Elaine Bernstorf, 2014, Differentiation in Music Instruction: Implications of MTSS and Common Core for Inclusion Settings, Kansas Music Review Fall Issue 2013-14.
Tim O'Brien and Dennis Guiney, 2006, Differentiation in Teaching and Learning - Principles and Practice, Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall.
John Hamilton, 2017, Strategies for Differentiating Music Instruction,
Howard Gardner, Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century (New York: Teachers College Press, 2000).
Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong (Project leader) (2009), Education and training development in Vietnam in the process of international integration, Ministry-level educational scientific research project 2006 - 2008, Code No. B2007 – CtGD – 02
Pham Quang Huan (2007), Scientific bases and methods of implementing educational differentiation, Proceedings of the conference on scientific differentiation of general education, Hanoi National University of Education.
Ho Thu Quyen (2019), Scientific basis of differentiated teaching in upper secondary education, issued in 2018. Proceedings of the first international conference on teacher training innovation.
Nguyen Thi Cam Van (2014), Deploying self-directed teaching in teacher training and retraining to meet the requirements of differentiated teaching. Proceedings of the Seminar on Science of integrated teaching and differentiated teaching in high schools to meet the requirements of the curriculum and textbooks after 2015.
Pham Viet Vuong (2007), Educational differentiation and the way to organize differentiated teaching, Proceedings of scientific conferences, Hanoi.
Michael W. Woods, 2014, Differentiating instruction in the music classroom, A masters research paper, Presented to The Faculty of the Department of Education The Colorado College.
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