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., Harijono
., Heryanto
., Heryanto, School of Finance and Banking (STIE “KBP”) (Indonesia)
., Indupurnahayu
., Iwan Saputra
., Kuswandi
., Misdah
., Mitra Murni
., Muchli Endri Yose
., Nasruji, WR Supratman University Surabaya
., Ngatno, Departement of Business Administration, Social and Political faculty, Diponegoro University
., Nurlina
., Realize, Universitas Putera Batam
., Rusman Hidayat
., Sabil
., Sudirman
., Sulastin, WR Supratman University Surabaya
., Sundjoto
., Suriadi, School of Economics, STIE Bongaya YPBUP Makassar
., Sutinem, author
., Ujianto
., Vasilopoulos
., Widayanto
., Yusradi



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