Perceived Ease of Use, Trust and Risk toward Attitude and Intention in Shopping for Online Fashion Products In Indonesia


  • Dede Suleman Universitas Mercubuana, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Hapzi Ali
  • Dewi Nusraningrum
  • Mochammad Mukti Ali



Intention, Attitude, perceived ease of use, trust, risk


This study aims to analyze the partial influence of perceived ease, trust and risk on the attitudes and intentions of consumers shopping online. This study uses purposive sampling in the survey method to produce a sample of 74 respondents from the city of Jakarta in Indonesia. The findings of this study indicate that there is a perception of convenience does not affect the attitudes and intentions of consumers. While trust and risk factors are factors that significantly influence the attitudes and intentions of consumers to shop online. Shopping attitudes are influenced by constructs of perceived ease of use, risk and trust, because shopping attention is influenced by the construct of shopping attitudes, perceptions of ease of use, risk, and trust. The results of this study function for online shop entrepreneurs to develop effective strategies to make consumers believe and minimize risks when shopping online so that consumers have a positive attitude and then the intention to shop online.

Author Biography

Dede Suleman, Universitas Mercubuana, Jakarta, Indonesia

Dede Suleman is a prospective doctor in management marketing at Mercubuana University, Jakarta. Bachelor's degree from
University of Azzahra, majoring in Economics, and Masters from BSI University Bandung. he is a lecturer at Bina Sarana Informatika University Jakarta, Indonesia
His research interests include the development of world franchises, franchise operations and franchise management, marketing and consumer behavior as well as taxation, finance, e-business and E-marketing


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How to Cite

Suleman, D., Ali, H., Nusraningrum, D., & Ali, M. M. (2019). Perceived Ease of Use, Trust and Risk toward Attitude and Intention in Shopping for Online Fashion Products In Indonesia. Archives of Business Research, 7(4), 240–253.