The Bidirectional Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Network based Word Retrieval for Arabic Documents


  • Yusuf Parwej Al Baha University Al Baha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)



Arabic Script, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Word Spotting, Segmentation, Bidirectional Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Network (BLSTMNN), Euclidean Distance


The reflow from Arabic document image collections is a challenging task. This is partly due to the insolubility of the Arabic script. Because of the peculiarity of the whole body of the Arabic words, namely connectivity between the characters, thereby the segmentation of An Arabic word is very arduous and also the variability of the handwritten styles and shapes as well as deceleratation in the print therefore Arabic document repositories are not liable to indexation and reflow. In this paper, we are proposing an idea for reflow coherent Arabic document in response to an appropriate Arabic query word. We present a novel approach at reflow on an Arabic document image, using a Bidirectional Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Network. The designed to take relating to information into account, these networks can maintain Arabic word images that can not be durable segmented into individual Arabic characters. The partitioning Arabic word, we easier the problem and receive elevated reflow rates. The proposed capable reflow scheme avoids unambiguous recognition of Arabic characters. An experimental evaluation on a dataset of Arabic word images conjunct from handwritten notebook show good precision even in the impendence of printing transformation and deceleratation. The reflow Arabic word performance is comparison with baseline methods. These results encourage the development of real world systems for word reflow for Arabic documents.

Author Biography

Yusuf Parwej, Al Baha University Al Baha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

Assistant Professor,

Department of Computer Science & Engg.,

Al Baha University , Al Baha,

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)



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How to Cite

Parwej, Y. (2015). The Bidirectional Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Network based Word Retrieval for Arabic Documents. Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences, 3(1), 16.