Automated 3-D Tissue Segmentation Via Clustering


  • Samuel Edwards Computational Sciences Division, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
  • Scott Brown Computational Sciences Division, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
  • Michael Lee Computational Sciences Division, U.S. Army Research Laboratory



medical images, magnetic resonance imaging, computer-assisted tomography, clustering, DBSCAN


Generation of 3-D tissue models from medical imagery is useful for surgical planning and computer simulations, but often requires some amount of manual effort. In this work, we use the clustering algorithm, DBSCAN, in concert with a 3-D buildup procedure to automatically generate 3-D surface models of the brain and lungs from computed tomography head and chest scans, respectively. Extensions to other tissue types such as heart and liver are demonstrated for contrast-enhanced imagery.


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How to Cite

Edwards, S., Brown, S., & Lee, M. (2018). Automated 3-D Tissue Segmentation Via Clustering. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 5(2), 08.