Development of Mathematics Learning Devices Through Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Problem Solving Mathematics Ability Students SMP Swasta Salsa


  • Reziono Pratama State University of Medan



Development of Mathematics Learning Devices, 4-D Models, Problem-Based Learning, Problem Solving Mathematics Ability


This study aims to 1) Produce products that are developing a problem-based learning tool that is valid, practical and effective in improving mathematical problem solving abilities; 2) Analyzing the improvement of students mathematical problem solving abilities in the application of problem-based learning tools. This type of research is the development using a 4-D model. The results showed that: (1) Product validity in the form of RPP, student book, LAS, and mathematical problem solving ability tests included aspects of format feasibility, language and content in a valid category; (2) Analysis of the practicality of the problem learning device developed, shows the results: a) the assessment of experts/practitioners states can be used with little revision or without revision and; b) the feasibility of learning devices in the class is included in the minimum high category and has increased by 0.16; (3) the effectiveness of the product shows: a) The completeness value of student learning outcomes increases by 10%; b) Student activity shows that all categories are at the specified ideal time tolerance interval; c) and the positive response of students is 85.7%.

Author Biography

Reziono Pratama, State University of Medan

Mathematics Education


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How to Cite

Pratama, R. (2018). Development of Mathematics Learning Devices Through Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Problem Solving Mathematics Ability Students SMP Swasta Salsa. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(10).