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Gomez-Joseph, Rosemond, Touro University Worldwide Alumni
Gonen, Bilal, University of Cincinnati
González López, Carlos de Jesús, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (México)
Gophen, Moshe
Gottinger, Hans W, STRATEC Munich Germany
Gottinger, Hans W.
Govender, Krishna K., Dean: Regenesys Business School 4 Pybus Road Sandton
Grabinski, Michael, Neu-Ulm University - HNU
Grandi, Barbara
Gribler, Francini Manoela, School of Management, FEEVALE University, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil
Gromova, Tatiana Vladimirovna
Grosch, Kira Rosa
Guanandy, Francesca Nossa, Salesiano University Center
Guarino, Arthur, Rutgers Business School
Guender, Alfred V, University of Canterbury
Guha, Souman, Department of Management, Bangladesh University of Professionals
Guidi, Antonio Carlos, UNIMEP - Methodist University of Piracicaba
Guimarães, Luciana Maria, State Faculty of Technology of Santos – Rubens Lara CEETEPS, Santos, Brazil
Gujar, Shubham Mohan, bbw University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany
Gunarathne, Inoka, University of Kelaniya
Gunawan, Gunawan, School of Economics, STIE Bongaya YPBUP Makassar
Gündoğar, Emin
Gupta, Aditya
Gurevitz, Michael
Gurevitz, Michael, Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Ecology George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv 69978, Tel Aviv, Israel (Israel)

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