When an economy grows around 2% for decades, is it a structural problem?

Production functions


  • Dora Ledesma INEGI
  • Lidia National Institute of Statistic and Geography (INEGI)
  • Teresa Independent Research and Advisor




Production functions; economics activities parameters; accounting multipliers.


Mexico for decades has grown around 2% annually, increasing informal employment and poverty. Neoliberalism brought benefits to certain sectors of society but widened the wage gap between households. In recent years, the structural reforms proposed by the government to lift Mexico from its economic slumber have caused controversy. Twenty years ago it was believed that NAFTA would activate the economy and improve the standard of living of all Mexicans, but it did not. Applying optimization techniques in the production functions under scenarios, this work shows the structure of the economy and its impacts on households, mainly. A look at what has been happening.

Author Biographies

Lidia, National Institute of Statistic and Geography (INEGI)

Directorate of access to Microdata.

Coordination link with commands.

Teresa, Independent Research and Advisor

Deputy Director of Training.

Independent Advisor


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How to Cite

Ledesma, D., Hernández, L., & Muciño, T. (2021). When an economy grows around 2% for decades, is it a structural problem? Production functions. Archives of Business Research, 8(12), 203–217. https://doi.org/10.14738/abr.812.9535