Covid-19 Outbreak and Higher Education: A Case from Taiwan


  • Margaret Meiling Luo National Chung Cheng Univ
  • Cesar Andres Castillo Leon National Chung Cheng University
  • Makaireh Dampha National Chung Cheng University
  • Rony Amilcar National Chung Cheng University



Covid-19, Pandemic Disease, Digital transformation, Online Education


This paper aims to discuss the university transformation during the Covid-19 outbreak. We review the literature pertaining to transformation of higher education. We also provide a case study of a Taiwan university to discuss how the university takes actions to cope with the threat of Covid-19 pandemic. We expect to share a new perspective on how higher education transformation would work and describe what the future business school shall prepare for next generation learning. Lastly, we propose the post Covid-19 strategies of higher education.


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How to Cite

Luo, M. M., Leon, C. A. C., Dampha, M. ., & Amilcar, R. . (2020). Covid-19 Outbreak and Higher Education: A Case from Taiwan. Archives of Business Research, 8(12), 35–43.