Effect of sales promotion on impulse buying behaviours of generation Y consumers in omni-channel retail contexts


  • Da-Nien Liu daniel
  • Jun-An Xie




Generation Y; impulse buying behaviour; omni-channel; stimuli-organis-response (S-O-R) model


The present study investigated how sales promotion influences the impulsive buying behaviours of generation Y consumers in Taiwan on the basis of a Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model. Impulse buying stimuli, comprising discount promotion and loyalty program, were used in the study. Consumers’ organism can be divided into normative assessment and affective attitude. Normative assessment positively influences affective attitude, and affective attitude leads to impulse buying. This study conducted a survey on consumers who bought goods from Watsons physical store. In total, 250 valid samples were collected through judgmental sampling. The respondents’ demographics were analysed using SPSS 22, and an SEM model was tested using Amos 24. The results revealed that discount promotion had positive effects on consumers’ normative assessment and affective attitude, whereas the effects of loyalty program were nonsignificant. Affective attitude was discovered to be a robust predictor of impulse buying behaviour in the omni-channel retailing context. The findings were limited because the sample population represented only a small segment of Taiwanese Generation Y consumers. They were also limited by the interrelationship among variables suggested by the S-O-R model. In the age of omni-channel retail, discount promotion presents an effective tactic to trigger impulse buying behaviours. The impact of affective attitude is increasing. Retailers should optimise the interaction possible in omni-channels to create a seamless shopping experience that allows consumers to enjoy the purchasing process. Few studies have implemented the S-O-R model in the context of omni-channels. The present study narrowed this research gap by demonstrating the influence of the S-O-R model on impulse buying behaviours of generation Y consumers’ in omni-channel retailing.


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How to Cite

Liu, D.-N., & Xie, J.-A. . (2020). Effect of sales promotion on impulse buying behaviours of generation Y consumers in omni-channel retail contexts. Archives of Business Research, 8(11), 258–270. https://doi.org/10.14738/abr.811.9224