Our Understanding Of The Universe (From Ancient To Present Time)


  • Vijay Mohan Das University of God




Origin of the universe is still obscure. The reason being, one is not equipped with basic knowledge of structure of the matter, and atomic genetics as taught by a new science called participatory science. If nature breaks the matter, one would get its last and smallest particles called basic building blocks (B.B.Bs.) of which all fermions and bosons are composed. From these fermions and bosons all the matter of the universe is formed including human cell. These basic units are divine in the sense that they talk with each other by phenomenon called atomic transcription and translation. These are fundamental particles and atomic transcription and translation are fundamental working of the nature. These B.B.Bs. have power to transmutate to form bigger units of the universe like particles, atoms, molecules, cells, individuals, earth, solar system, galaxies etc. So, all effects of the universe are triggered by atomic transcription and translation or thought expressions. Before origin of the universe, these B.B.Bs. were in the form of tachyons. Out of the infinite tachyons one became the highest center of the universe. It had fed its thoughts to rest of B.B.Bs. that they would express only those thoughts to give desired effects as wished by highest center of the universe. Universe started with cold reaction. In this reaction cold dark matter was created. The density of the transformed universe before creation was low and the density of the CDM is very high. The density is defined by participatory science as number of basic building blocks per unit area. It would be discussed again in creation physics. So the space got vacated  thus large volume of void was formed. Simultaneously in CDM layer by phenomenon of canalization , canals were formed and thus empty holes were there. At point T hot reaction started with the result hydrogen was formed from  tachyons. There liberated  lot of energy during the creation and thus holes which were empty started ejecting huge radiations and pristine conditioned wispy hydrogen clouds and thus white holes or QSOS were formed in the nature. These      ejected clouds which were nearer moved faster than  those which were away from the CDM layer and thus Hubble law  appeared in the universe. Universe kept on expanding with formation of more CDM by cold reaction all around and hydrogen clouds by hot reaction at point T only. Void also kept on growing in size. After sometimes bright galaxies were formed by self gravitation. Early bright galaxies were very far from quasars that is why quasars are very distant object. Galaxies near the center of the universe are older while galaxies near the periphery are younger. Clouds at the edge are in pristine condition or they are just born (300000 years) from quasar.  All points and the new model are towards an evolving universe not due to Big Bang rather due to creation which is still going inside quasars Thus our universe appeared into existence and all effects are triggered by atomic transcription or thought expressions. In atomic genetic engineering, (Technology more than speed of light)  our B.B.B. talks with highest center of the universe via first transcription to shift abnormal thought expressions to normal thought expressions. Thus the diseased cells could be transformed into normal cells  leading to less complications in recovery [14].

Keywords: Basic Building Blocks : Atomic Genetics: Atomic Transcription and Translation: Tachyons and Atomic Genetic Engineering


D.N.VASUDEVA. Text Book Of Light, 7th edition, 1969; p. 598

Jayant V. Narlikar, Physics News- Vol-30, No- 3&4, Sept. & Dec, 1999; pp. 5-14

Fritjof Capra, The Tao Of Physics,1989; p.153.

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Strig Theory and Cosmology- How Old is the Universe? www.superstringtheory.com/cosmo.html

Photographs and the matter of different universes ( 2-12) are taken from website of Prof

S.W. Hawking --- www.thirteen.org/hawking/universes/html/univ.html

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Vijay Mohan Das, Atomic genetics and origin of universe volume 3 International Journal of

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How to Cite

Das, V. M. (2015). Our Understanding Of The Universe (From Ancient To Present Time). Archives of Business Research, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.14738/abr.31.875