Difficulties in Learning Ukrainian as Foreign Language by the Korean Students on the Intermediate Level


  • IRYNA ZBYR Hankuk University of Foreign Studies




Ukrainian as a foreign language, a mistake, phonetic, lexical and grammatical difficulties, Korean students


The given article highlights certain aspects of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to Korean students. Observations and conclusions are made from the author’s own experience. The paper provides answers to significant and topical questions that arise in the learning process; in particular, the author analyzes phonetic, lexical and grammatical difficulties the Korean students face on the intermediate level of learning Ukrainian. The article describes problems and obstacles a teacher and a student has, determines reasons for misusage of language patterns and suggests fresh teaching ideas and ways of their implementation.


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How to Cite

ZBYR, I. (2020). Difficulties in Learning Ukrainian as Foreign Language by the Korean Students on the Intermediate Level. Archives of Business Research, 8(1), 218–226. https://doi.org/10.14738/abr.81.7721