
  • NAMITA RAJPUT Delhi university




Consumer market for fashion apparel has become more varied by in surge of designer brands, store brands, personalization and advertisements in the global market place of today. There is an increase in positive attitude towards western brands. Over the past decade, the fashion industry has gone through some major structural changes. This study examines the insights of gender perspective and throws light on shopping habits, brand awareness, brand preference of young consumers in the apparels segment. It focusses on the differences in the shopping orientations of male and female shoppers with respect to the various buying behaviour dimensions divided into five attributes i.e. Store Attributes, Product attributes, Reference Groups, Consumer characteristics and Promotional factors.The results gathered can be a useful ingredient for the marketer to strategize on the basis of gender perspective.


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How to Cite

RAJPUT, N., & KHANNA, A. (2014). DYNAMICS OF YOUNG INDIAN CONSUMERS’ BUYING BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS BRANDED APPARELS: GENDER PERSPECTIVE. Archives of Business Research, 2(5), 84–106. https://doi.org/10.14738/abr.25.596