Secured Communication through Wireless Sensor Network


  • Abdullatif Mohammed Albaseer Computer engineering departmentKing Fahd Univ. of Petroleum & Minerals
  • Talal Alkharoubi King Fahd University of Petroleum and minerals
  • Gamil Ahmed King Fahd University of Petroleum and minerals



 Nowadays, life seems to be deficient without Internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) is heavily affecting our daily lives in many domains, ranging from tiny wearable devices to large industrial systems. In face of this rapid improvements, security threats and privacy issues also have brought critical challenges in designing and implementing such applications. In this work, we aim to find a way to protect the data from the WSNs devices to the cloud server or control unit. Also, the task of data management in WSNs is a vital issue that can be performed with limited resources such as processing, memory and energy. So, we have proposed a light implementation for AES 128 key in order to be used to encrypt the data sent by these sensors. We have adopted three different platforms which are Sky and Z1 motes to test this algorithm. Applying such algorithm leads to consume more power but guarantees a secure communication against malicious nodes. 

Author Biography

Abdullatif Mohammed Albaseer, Computer engineering departmentKing Fahd Univ. of Petroleum & Minerals

Abdullatif  M. Albaseer was born in IBB,  Yemen.  He received the  B.Sc.  in computer science from  Thamar  University,  Thamar,  Yemen,  in  2009  and received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Networks from King Fahd University of PetroleumMinerals  (KFUPM),  Dhahran,  Saudi  Arabia,  in  2017.  Mr. Albaseer is now working towards his Ph.D. in  Computer Engineering at KFUPM.  His research of interest is sensor and Actuator  Networks,  Mobile  Robots,  IoT, Routing protocols,  Low  PowerOptimization for WSNs, Distributed Networks and Performance Evaluation.


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How to Cite

Albaseer, A. M., Alkharoubi, T., & Ahmed, G. (2018). Secured Communication through Wireless Sensor Network. Discoveries in Agriculture and Food Sciences, 6(5), 30.