Resources Indexation-Based E-Learning System


  • Ibtissam Azzi Laboratoire LIIAN, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, U.S.M.B.A. Fès, Maroc
  • Abdelhay Radouane Département d’informatique, Centre Régional des métiers de l’éducation et de Formation, C.R.M.E.F. Fès, Maroc,
  • Adil Jeghal Laboratoire LIIAN, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, U.S.M.B.A. Fès, Maroc
  • Hamid Tairi Laboratoire LIIAN, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, U.S.M.B.A. Fès, Maroc



Resources indexation, Metadata, Ontology, Standards, E Learning.


We propose in this article a study that illustrates the techniques used to represent the educational objects which serve to facilitate their reuse. We will enrich this study by taking into account the semantics of the contents of the learning objects while including the metadata as parameters of indexing. Another contribution of our study concerns the fact that this indexation relies on ontologies which allow a better semantic representation and facilitate communication between the machine and the users. On the other hand, we will discuss the current standards of indexing while discussing the cases of their use to try to extend the use of these standards in other situations requiring the indexing of resources in E -Learning systems.


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How to Cite

Azzi, I., Radouane, A., Jeghal, A., & Tairi, H. (2017). Resources Indexation-Based E-Learning System. Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences, 5(4).



Special Issue : 1st International Conference on Affective computing, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems