Objective evaluation of chronic laryngeal dysphonia by spectro-temporal analysis


  • Sara Abdelouahed Tlemcen University
  • Mohammed Benabdallah Tlemcen,University
  • Sid Ahmed Aounallah Tlemcen University




Telemedicine, ST.DFT, Chronic dysphonia, Voiced sound, Jitter, Fundamental frequency


In this paper we develop a system dedicated to the objective characterization of dysphonia chronic laryngeal origin. The purpose of this system is threefold: diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patient. .   For this we proceed initially to the remote recording and archiving of an acoustic speech signal voiced in this case "a" sustained for three seconds. We then apply at the Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) department of the University Hospital of Tlemcen, different algorithms of objective assessment of three parameters in this case the fundamental frequency, Disturbance of short-term speech signal (jitter) and Short-Time discrete Fourier Transform (ST.DFT) that allow experts to assess the development of chronic dysphonia of tumor or inflammatory origin (larynx cancer, inflammatory polyp of the vocal cords, chronic laryngitis).

Author Biographies

Sara Abdelouahed, Tlemcen University

Phd student in Biomedical University

Mohammed Benabdallah, Tlemcen,University

Professor in Biomedical engeneering

Sid Ahmed Aounallah, Tlemcen University

Specialist in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology


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How to Cite

Abdelouahed, S., Benabdallah, M., & Aounallah, S. A. (2014). Objective evaluation of chronic laryngeal dysphonia by spectro-temporal analysis. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 1(1), 40–47. https://doi.org/10.14738/jbemi.11.69