Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in childhood: A case report
Tuberculosis, multidrug resistant, bacilliferous, child.Abstract
Multi-resistant tuberculosis is a major problem of public health concern and an endless cycle that ravages the population, particularly children because of the difficulty of controlling the disease. Thus, early detection of cases helps ensure adequate treatment and prevent the spread of the strain in the community.
We present here the case of a child with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis monitored at the Medical Center of Medical Center of the company RVA.
It is a case of 4-year-old patient with general signs and had an aunt who died of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. On admission, the child was in good general condition, weighing 14 kg and 90 Cm height. The clinical examination noted crackling rales at the level of two pulmonary bases and the chest x-ray showed multiple confluent nodular opacities in places with excavations. Laboratory workup showed 8.5 mg% microcytic hypochromic anemia and inflammatory syndrome. Sputum was tested for Koch's Bacillus on direct examination and both smears were positive. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain was isolated on Lowenstein Jenssen's medium. The Gen-Xpert MTB / RIF detected resistance to rifampicin and the Hain test performed showed resistance to rifampicin and Isoniazid. The child was put on ethambutol, ciprofloxacin, kanamycin, ethionamide, cycloserine, pyrazinamide and Vitamin B6 with good tolerability. The course was marked by weight gain (2 kg) and BK negativation in the second month of treatment.
Early detection of tuberculosis, especially multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is a crucial element in ensuring adequate treatment of cases and preventing the spread of germs in the population.
How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 M. J. Kabedi, P. Mbaya, B. Lelo, M. Tshibangu, K. Taba, L. Nkuku, M. Mintsey, S. Kibonza, J. M. Kayembe, S. Bisuta, O. Lunguya, J. J. Muyembe

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