An Analysis of Offender Based Reentry Programs Impact on Crime Rates


  • Kenneth Davis a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:22:"Edward Waters College ";}
  • Dr. Tameiko Grant



: Crime rates, Offender Based Treatment Programs, Crime Reduction, Crime Prevention, Reentry Programs.


This case study was based upon the crime reduction efforts of an offender-based treatment coalition in St. Johns County, Florida. The study used a multi-tool qualitative data gathering method to understand if the coalition contributed to crime reductions locally. The research findings concluded that the St. Johns County Re-entry Coalition did positively contribute to crime reductions in the county.


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How to Cite

Davis, K., & Grant, T. (2021). An Analysis of Offender Based Reentry Programs Impact on Crime Rates . Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(12), 497–501.