Risking development by prioritizing the possession of firearms in Brazil: development is not achieved by arming the population!





Development, Firearms, Social Sciences, Brazil, Violence, Public Safety


The information in this article problematizes and broadens the debate on the importance of science to the development of Brazil, which is currently in crisis due to cuts in research investments in the country, making it impossible for scientists to continue carrying out ground-breaking research. We argue that this is due to two main factors: the approval of the Constitutional Amendment Project no. 55/2016, popularly known as the “death PEC,” which freezes public investments for twenty years and heightens the precariousness of education, health, science, security, and other sectors key to the country’s development along with the lack of interest in investing in national science by President Jair Bolsonaro who, among other things, prioritizes the possession of firearms as well as relaxation in the control of pesticides, which can further increase deforestation and deteriorate Brazil’s environment. The development of a nation is dependent on many factors such as investment in health, education, public safety as well as science, technology, and innovation. Although Brazil is a country with enormous potential for economic development and international research, these areas have been neglected by the current government. This article analyzes the possession of firearms in Brazil as a means of inhibiting the country’s development. It concludes that investing in the above-mentioned areas can reduce violence and poverty among other problems that are present in countries where governments invest little in such crucial sectors.

Author Biographies

Gustavo Cunha Araújo, Federal University of Tocantins

PhD in Education at São Paulo State University - UNESP/Brazil. Professor at the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT/Brazil. Search mainly the topics: Visual Arts, Art Education, Adult Education, Teaching Training, Comics Books, Literacy Aesthetic. Is Editor in Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education (Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo). See more at: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1996-5959

Deyla Paula de Oliveira, Independent Researcher

Graduate in Biological Sciences, undergraduate degree and bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Tocantins-UFT (2003-2007). Master (2008-2010) and PhD in Genetics, Conservation and Evolutionary Biology (2011-2015) from the National Institute of Research of the Amazon-INPA. Post-Doctoral degree in Food Science and Technology from UFT (2015-2016). During this period she also worked as a collaborator in research projects for undergraduate, master's and doctoral students at the Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology-LAMBIO of UFT, Campus de Palmas/TO. Researcher in the Research Group of Chelonians and Crocodilians of the Northern Region of UFT since 2006. She was a monitor in the discipline Molecular Biology in the Course of Biological Sciences of UFT, Campus of Porto Nacional/TO (2005). She was a scholar of the Institutional Program of Monitoring/PIM (2005), scholarship PIBIC/CNPq (2006-2007), developing research in the Laboratory of Biotechnology / LABIOTEC / UFT, Campus of Palmas / TO. Fellow CNPq (2008-2010) and CAPES (2011-2015), developing his master's and doctoral researches and parallel projects with species of the Amazonian herpetofauna in the Laboratory of Evolution and Animal Genetics-LEGAL of the Federal University of Amazonas/UFAM. She was a volunteer curator of the Animal Genetics Tissue Collection/CTGA of UFAM (2008-2015). She developed her teaching internship at the State University of Amazonas/UEA, teaching the discipline Human Genetics for the undergraduate courses in Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing (2014). She was a visiting professor of the Master's Program in Food Science and Technology/PPGCTA, teaching the discipline Special Topics III: molecular methods for the detection and identification of contaminating microorganisms in industrial processes. She was Director of Institutional Research and member of the University Council/CONSUNI; Teaching, Research and Extension Council/CONSEPE; Ethics Committee on Animal Use/CEUA; Scientific-Technical Committee of Areas and the Research and Graduate Chamber of the State University of Tocantins/Unitins (2016-2017). He was a full member of the State Council of Water Resources/CERH/TO (2016/2017) in the Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources of the State of Tocantins/SEMARH/TO. Member of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science/SBPC since 2006. Member of the Higher Council of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins/CONSUP/IFTO (2018-2019). Member of the Ethics Committee on Research with Human Beings of UFT (2019). She was Director of Research Support and Student Funding in the Superintendence of Scientific and Technological Development of the State of Tocantins and Scientific Director and Innovation of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Tocantins/FAPT (2018-2019). She works as an ad hoc consultant in several national and international scientific journals and in the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Amazonas/FAPEAM. He has experience in the area of genetics, working mainly on the following topics: conservation genetics, population genetics, kinship, paternity, phylogenetics of communities, herpetology, molecular markers and molecular identification of vertebrates and microorganisms. In addition, it develops works in education and teaching, with themes focused on science and biology teaching, healthy eating, youth and adult education (EJA), agroecology, environmental education and management in S,T&I projects.


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How to Cite

Araújo, G. C., & Paula de Oliveira, D. (2019). Risking development by prioritizing the possession of firearms in Brazil: development is not achieved by arming the population!. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6(11), 65–69. https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.611.7295