Arab Women’s Autobiography: A Contentious Practice that Elicits Disapprobation, Jeering, Curiosity and/or … Furor


  • Samia Kholoussi Pima Community College



Keywords, Arab women, Autobiography, Arab female narrative discourse, Gender Studies in the Middle East



For the Arab female subject, writing against the dominant discourses, the challenges in the autobiographical undertaking have a particular resonance. Regardless of age group, religious and political affiliation, class identification and socio-economic standing, authoring a text about female life is a disconcerting practice. This study is a critical analysis of the tension-ridden arena which female self-narrative occupies and the premises that have for long gone unquestioned, thus rendering the genre unapproachable for Arab women.


Author Biography

Samia Kholoussi, Pima Community College

Adjunct Faculty, Department of World Languages



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How to Cite

Kholoussi, S. (2019). Arab Women’s Autobiography: A Contentious Practice that Elicits Disapprobation, Jeering, Curiosity and/or … Furor. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6(7), 287–309.