Collective Bargaining and The Performance Rating in Italy


  • Barbara Grandi



The big changes that have framed economies and societies all over Europe in the past decades have led to a changing role of the collective bargaining in the objectives it is pursuing[1]. This summary, presenting an overview on collective bargaining in Italy, is going to focus over the possibility for a collective agreement to determine the practices for better performance, the evaluation of such performances, as well as the connected monetary and/or non monetary recognition, in other words, the possibility for  workers and their representatives to rate their own performance.


On trends for European industrial relations see also C. DELL’ARINGA, T. TREU (1992) Nuove relazioni industriali per l’Italia in Europa, ed. Il mulino. For updating on workers’ partecipation see consulted in 19th March 2014.

About the contradictions amongst European policies, essentially framed by monetary targets and the national reforms on labour relations see S. DEAKIN, The sovereign debt crisis and European labour law, in Industrial Law Journal, Vol. 41, No. 3, September 2012 and cited readings.

Some scholars refers to “negotiation” and “participation” as two possible dimension of workers’ representation (G. BAGLIONI, 2008, L’accerchiamento. Perchè si riduce la tutela sindacale tradizionale, ed. Il Mulino, pp. 231-241)

The Movimento 5 Stelle, led by Italian comics Beppe Grillo, and achieving a great success at the 2013 24-25th Februry political elections, stressed its political campaign on abolishing the Unions essentially in their bureaucracy.

Comparison between United Kingdom and Italy may turn to be fruitful, because in the most recent times too, not only at the origins, the debate over industrial relations takes its moves from Great Britain to develop in all the European Continent (this observation is by S. LEONARDI, Per una bibliografia ragionata sui temi del sindacato e delle relazioni industriali, Economia&Lavoro, 3/2008).

K. POLANY (1944) La grande trasformazione, ed. Einaudi (The great transformation).

M.G. GAROFALO, Ludovico Barassi e il socialismo della cattedra, in Riv. Giur. Lav. Prev. Soc., 2001, 2003, 394.

Germany is a country known to be deeply devoted to a centralized and statutory controlled collective bargaining (see M. FAIOLI, Oltre la continuità, la contrattazione collettiva decentrata nell’esperienza francese e tedesca, in RIDL, 2012, 3, 481)

R. BORTONE, I problemi della produttività e del salario in Italia, 2008, in, argues that such a statutory provision is being gravely experienced in time of economic crisis.

There can be partecipation, social dialgue, consultation, harmonization, information.

Art. 36 of the Italian Constitution states that remuneration must be proportionate to the work done and sufficient for the worker and his family to live with dignity. Italian judges have interpreted such a principle as a measure to find in the national collective agreements.

The Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union sets several dispositions in order to grant minimum standards for workers: art. 27 Workers’ right to information and consultation within the undertaking, art. 28 Right of collective bargaining and action, art. 29 Right of access to placement services, art. 30 Protection in the event of unjustified dismissal , art. 31, Fair and just working conditions, and all these norms, together, are meant to grant substantially and procedurally, minimum standards. Confirmed as an up-to-date standard by decision of the Governing Body of the ILO in 2001, Convention No. 102 has been ratified by 41 ILO Member States since its entry into force in 1952, and more ratifications are expected in the years to come, contains several statements aimed at granting workers’ dignity. Moreover, see Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95), Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131), “Rules of the game, a brief introduction to the international labour standards, Revised Edition 2009”. It seems that, the more a society is culturally advanced and informed, the more these standards are going to be assured by Institutions, rather than by the benevolence of Men. In 1998 The ILO made an effort to secure commitment of States to four core standards: freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced labour and compulsory labour, abolition of child labour and elimination of employment and occupational discrimination.

As well its eventual variations as related to the costs of living in a given society; circumstances emerging from the historical context, like the GDP (and GNP..) or the level of inflation etc. must be revealed when stating over the basic level of protection, otherwise the public intervention can go easily and unjustly towards determining stagflation.

L. KINGSLEY, Is industrial relation an academic discipline? Journal of Industrial Relations Mar. 1974, vol. 16.

A. H. MASLOW (1970) 2° ed. Motivazione e Personalità, ed. Armando Armando, stressing attention on different level of motivation according to different level of need.

For an Italian definition see C. LAZZARI (2013) Gli organismi paritetici nel D.lgs 9 aprile 2008, Working paper Olympus 21/2013

A. SPAZIANU e G. LEPORE (2009) I sistemi di gestione per la sicurezza e la salute dei lavoratori : il quadro di riferimento legislativo e la norma BS OHSAS 18001:2007 : manuale pratico per: datori di lavoro, valutatori e consulenti per la sicurezza, organismi di certificazione, enti bilaterali : aggiornato con il d.lgs. n. 106/2009 (decreto correttivo al T.U. sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro), Maggioli. EBER, Ente bilaterale Emilia Romagna (2002) Monitoraggio apprendistato : il ruolo degli enti bilaterali nella formazione per gli apprendisti.

Rapporto 2008-2009 CNEL, Le Relazioni Sindacali in Europa, 24 luglio 2010

G. BAGLIONI 2008, cited above, argued, furthermore, over benefits possibly coming along with an autonomous level of bargaining.

S. DEAKIN & G. MORRIS, Labour law, 2005, 121; L. MENGONI (2004), Il contratto di lavoro, (a cura di M. Napoli), Vita e Pensiero (92-93).

C. DELL’ARINGA, Le nuove relazioni industriali, la partecipazione e la sicurezza sul lavoro, Dir. Rel. Ind.2012, 21

The new index (IPCA) is the index for prices as comparable and harmonized in the European context.

Art. 4 regards the so called “elemento di garanzia retributiva”; CGIL did not agree, by saying that it is formulated in such a way to be substantially not assuring any minimum wage at national level to those not covered by local bargaining ( consulted on 2013, March, the 7th ). See also art. 4 bis as signed by Federmeccanica, Assital, Fim-Cisl, Uilm-Uil

M. RICCI (2009), L’accordo quadro e l’accordo interconfederale del 2009: contenuti, criticità e modelli di relazioni industriali, Riv. it. dir. lav. 2009, 03, 353.

L. ZOPPOLI, Contratti collettivi e circuiti della rappresentanza, La riforma Brunetta due anni dopo, in Diritti, Lavori, Mercati, 1/2011, 24

D.lgs n. 165/2001 is the main law ruling the public servant employment relations.

See Legge n. 150/2009 the so called Legge Brunetta

See particularly Modena and Torino employment Tribunals decisions in 2010 concerning the applicability of 2008 and 2009 collective agreement It is waited a decision by the Constitutional Court regarding Unions’ representatives rights.

That is the case for collective bargaining in the public sector as for wages (see D.lgs 165/2001 art.2)

The Basic Agreement is dated June 28th, the law is dated September 14th.

A. PERULLI e V. SPEZIALE (2011), L’articolo 8 della legge 14 settembre 2011, n. 148 e la “rivoluzione di Agosto” del Diritto del lavoro, in WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”, n. 132/2011; , sul punto p. 6 ss.

A. GARILLI (2012), L’art. 8 della legge n. 148/2011 nel sistema delle relazioni sindacali, WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 139/2012

Libro Bianco is a governament statement over labour policies, and it was inspired by the main contribution of Prof. Marco Biagi.


Notwithstanding the limits deriving by Legge n. 114/2012, ratifying the European pact for the public balance stability.;

See DPCM January the 22nd.

In Italian : “erogate a fronte di prestazioni lavorative diverse da quelle rese in osservanza degli orari di lavoro applicati in azienda”.

The State benefit is expressly recognized in the 2013 Agreement for workers sent in mission; it is arguable that the Agreement is here referring to intermediated type of employment contracts.

Circolare Minister of Labour n. 15/2013 dated April 2013 is giving some more indexes to allocate productivity remunerations wich seems to be not limited into a bilateral relation “more work-more productivity”, and provides for a control over the correct application of the provided measures.

I. REGALIA (2003), cited above, 428

C. LAZZARI (2013), Gli organismi paritetici nel decreto legislativo 9 aprile 2008 n. 81, in Working papers Olympus 21/2013; A. SPAZIANU e G. LEPORE (2009) I sistemi di gestione per la sicurezza e la salute dei lavoratori : il quadro di riferimento legislativo e la norma BS OHSAS 18001:2007 : manuale pratico per: datori di lavoro, valutatori e consulenti per la sicurezza, organismi di certificazione, enti bilaterali, Maggioli. EBER, Ente bilaterale Emilia Romagna (2002) Monitoraggio apprendistato : il ruolo degli enti bilaterali nella formazione per gli apprendisti.

R. B. FREEMAN (2006) Searching for the EU social dialogue model, NBER Working Paper No 12306 Cambridge MA.

M. OLSON, 1990 The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups (trad it. Logica dell’azione collettiva, Feltrinelli)

Such a theory does imply the consideration that “rational” members of a group can act to achieve private goods but not pubblic goods as well.

K. POLANY (1974) cited above

Z.BAUMAN, Voglia di comunità, Laterza, 2001, 17

S. Kierkegaard, Aut-Aut ed. 1956, Mondadori, p.3

S. LEONARDI, op. cit.

Public Software Group ; the software is basically free to everybody; other similar sofwares are Adhocracy and CrowdVote. For a short reading:

A. H. MASLOW (1970) 2° ed. Motivazione e personalità, remind us the importance of an olistic vision of any evolving society, where also higher ambitions of people (not only the instinctual once) are determining the behaviours, and further more where ambitions and desires are continuously changing because of the so called circle of satisfaction.

C. DELL’ARINGA, T. TREU (1992) Nuove relazioni industriali per l’Italia in Europa, ed. Il mulino, 14 registered that Italian productivity rate was amongst the lowest in Europe.

C. DELL’ARINGA, T. TREU cit. above; according to these countries experiences, not only the part of the salary which has been connected to productivity is relying on the economic performance, but also the rest of is under negotiation.




How to Cite

Grandi, B. (2014). Collective Bargaining and The Performance Rating in Italy. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 1(7), 16–29.