
  • Jonathan Brendefur Boise State University
  • S. Strother Boise State University
  • K. Thiede Boise State University
  • S. Appleton Meridian School District



Multiplication, Fact Fluency, Student Achievement, Cognition


Using specific components of three broad learning theories—cognitive, social-interactional, and behavioral—students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classrooms were given multiplication fact fluency instruction over a period of five weeks for 10-15 minutes each day. Two different approaches were utilized with two distinct groups of students for the purpose of comparing different approaches to fluency development. Results indicate that students using a strategy-based approach for fluency development by means of instructional tasks emphasizing social-interactional and cognitive theories (particularly Bruner’s theory of Modes of Representation) increased multiplication fact fluency, with a greater degree of consistency, than students using a drill-based approach emphasizing behavioristic techniques such as repetition and memorization.

Author Biography

Jonathan Brendefur, Boise State University

Curriculum, Instruction and Policy Studies



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How to Cite

Brendefur, J., Strother, S., Thiede, K., & Appleton, S. (2015). DEVELOPING MULTIPLICATION FACT FLUENCY. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2(8).