Use of Integrated Teaching Approaches to Enhance Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder’s Functional and Educational Skills
autism, education, skills, technology, multimediaAbstract
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) learners have capabilities but frequently experience functional and academic difficulties. This article calls attention to the current debates about autism and the challenges of including ASD students in school systems. I assert that supporting the education of ASD students locally and globally is critical for their wellness and society. I focus on the qualities of learners with ASD to reveal that they have the capacities and abilities to learn and maintain that they can succeed in schools and communities with appropriate support. I illustrate selected best teaching practices and discuss ways educators can use them to develop functional and academic skills of ASD learners and dismantle autism myths. I conclude by calling on stakeholders to promote inclusion and teach life and educational skills to enable ASD learners to grow and develop into individuals capable of having meaningful lives in school and adulthood.
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