Implementing Sustainable Development Goal on Education (SDG4) amid Donor Fatigue: Challenges for the Global South


  • Paul Kakupa a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:27:"Northeast Normal University";}
  • Happy Joseph Shayo



COVID-19; Donor fatigue; Education aid; Foreign aid; Least developed countries; Sustainable Development Goals; SDG4.


This paper critically reflects on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal on education (SDG4) in the Global South amid apparent donor fatigue. It also highlights international observers’ concerns about a huge funding gap in the implementation of SDG4 in the Global South. With the COVID-19 pandemic currently ravaging the world, this funding gap will only widen. In the face of these challenges, low-income countries with a high dependency on aid remain at risk of defaulting on most SDG4 targets. While reflecting on what the decline in education aid might mean for low-income countries, the paper argues that a truly transformative approach can help these countries achieve SDG4 and its sustainability agenda despite funding challenges.




How to Cite

Kakupa, P., & Shayo, H. J. (2021). Implementing Sustainable Development Goal on Education (SDG4) amid Donor Fatigue: Challenges for the Global South. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(11), 20–28.