Destructive Leadership: From Retrospective to Prospective Inquiry (Antecedents of Destructive Leadership)


  • TARIK RADA ATAN Cyprus International University



This article explores the concept of destructive leadership and looks at potential ways of anticipating it in advance. To achieve this, the article considers the concept of leadership and especially the “leader-manager” dilemma as a lens to clarify the contextual processes that encourage the emergence and growth of destructive leadership. The article, then, focuses on how destructive behaviors proliferate and become part of organizational structures and how followers can disseminate the effects of these behaviors. In this regard, it sheds light on profoundly catastrophic consequences for the leader, the organization, and humanity at large because of destructive leadership.



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How to Cite

ATAN, T. R. (2014). Destructive Leadership: From Retrospective to Prospective Inquiry (Antecedents of Destructive Leadership). Archives of Business Research, 2(6), 48–61.