
  • Jim DeConinck Western Carolina University
  • Julie Johnson-Busbin Western Carolina University
  • Mary Beth DeConinck Western Carolina University
  • James Busbin Western Carolina University



Keywords – Job embeddedness, perceived support, organizational justice, turnover intentions


In recent years, job embeddedness has been the focus of extensive research because of its relationship to employees’ turnover behavior.  This research developed and tested a model, with a sample of advertising managers, examining the role of perceived supervisor support (PSS) as a mediator between organizational justice and job embeddedness.  Distributive justice, interactional justice, and procedural justice were predictors of PSS.  The relationship between organizational justice and job embeddedness was indirect through PSS.  The results have important implications for controlling turnover. 

Author Biographies

Jim DeConinck, Western Carolina University

Professor of Marketing, Department of Marketing

Julie Johnson-Busbin, Western Carolina University

Professor of Marketing, Department of Marketing

Mary Beth DeConinck, Western Carolina University

Assistant Professor of Marketing, Department of Marketing

James Busbin, Western Carolina University

Professor of Marketing, Department of Marketing



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How to Cite

DeConinck, J., Johnson-Busbin, J., DeConinck, M. B., & Busbin, J. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF JOB EMBEDDEDNEES ON TURNOVER INTENTIONS AMONG ADVERTISING MANAGERS. Archives of Business Research, 7(1), 137–146.