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V.N, Christopher, Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State
Vakkai, Innocent , Taraba state ministry of health, Nigeria
Val, Thierry
Valdés, Karen Stefany Cortés, Specialist in Surgery. Attached to the Department of Surgery of the General Hospital "Dr. Rubén Leñero" of the Ministry of Health of Mexico City. Graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Mexico City. Country Mexico
Valentijn, Edwin, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Valerio, María Gabriela Pesqueira, Posgrado de cirugía general en Hospital General de Saltillo, Coahuila. México
Valienet, Rafael, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Laboratory, Department of Health Care, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco, Mexico City, 04960, Mexico
Valiente, Mariana González, Medical specialist in Surgery. Assigned to the Department of Surgery of the Specialty Hospital “Dr. Belisario Domínguez” of the Ministry of Health of Mexico City. Graduated from the Metropolitan Autonomous University. Mexico City. Country: Mexico
Valiente, Mariana González, Surgical Department at “Dr. Rubén Leñero” General Hospital Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México
Valle-Nava, Leobardo Emilio, General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Hospital Juárez de México” Specialty Hospital Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México
Vallejo, Fausto Romero , General Surgeon and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Endoscopy Department at ABC Medical Center, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México.
Vandi, Zira G , Modibbo Adama University Teaching Hospital Yola, Nigeria
Vanunu, Yakir, Israel Institute of Technology
Vargas, Astrid Ortiz, General Surgeon, Surgical Department at “Dr. Rubén Leñero” General Hospital Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México
Vargas, Astrid Ortiz, Surgical Department at “Dr. Rubén Leñero” General Hospital Secretary of Health of Mexico City, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México City, México
Variava, A, Garden City Clinic, Johannesburg, South Africa
Vashist, Dr. Shruti, Assosiate professor Manav Rachna international university.
Vashist, Shruti, ECE, Manav Rachna International University, Sec. 43, Faridabad, 121001, India;
Vashisth, Dr. Shruti, Manav Rachna International University
Vaughan, Jimmy, Patient and Public Involvement Group, University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Vázquez, Juan Pablo Rayas, Doctor assigned to the service of the Consultation of the private clinic "I am your health Tlalpan" Graduated from the Universidad del Valle de México. Mexico City. Country: Mexico
Vázquez, Juan Pablo Rayas, Medical. Assigned to the Consultation service of the private clinic “I am your health Tlalpan” Graduated from the University of the Valley of Mexico. Mexico City. Country: Mexico
Velázquez-Viniegra, Itzel, Surgery Department of Hospital General "Dr. Aquiles Calles Ramírez" ISSSTE, Tepic, Nayarit, México
Velela, Cinthia Jocxamani Morales, Anesthesia Service, "Ajusco Medio" General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Mexico
Velkova, K.

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