The Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (PKD) is Associated With Low C-peptide Levels In Non-T1DM Patients And Healthy Subjects


  • Zsófia Clemens International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary
  • Andrea Dabóczi International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary
  • Enikő Andrásofszky International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary
  • Mária Schimmer International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary
  • Natalie Daniels International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary
  • Orsolya Szathmári International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary
  • Erika Fésüs International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary
  • Réka Horváth International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention, Budapest, Hungary



C-peptide, paleolithic ketogenic diet, diabetes, T1DM, low-carbohydrate diet, insulin resistance


C-peptide is used as a measure of endogenous insulin production. Given that insulin and C-peptide are produced in equal amounts, C-peptide is typically used to differentiate between external and endogenously produced insulin in insulin-treated type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). In a clinical setting, a decline in C-peptide is regarded as a loss of beta cell function. However, physiological conditions may also be associated with low C-peptide levels. The authors of this paper use a low-carbohydrate diet, the so-called paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD), in the treatment of various conditions and observed that C-peptide is typically low on this diet. In order to characterize C-peptide levels on this diet, we designed a study to retrospectively assess C-peptide levels in 100 non-T1DM subjects. We found that 55% of the subjects had a C-peptide level below the standard reference range. C-peptide levels correlated with glucose levels. A significant correlation was found between C-peptide and age, with younger subjects having lower C-peptide levels. Males also showed lower C-peptide levels than females. Given the increasing number of patients using low-carbohydrate diets worldwide, physicians should be aware of laboratory correlates of low-carbohydrate diets, including low C-peptide levels, most importantly to prevent incorrect T1DM diagnosis.




How to Cite

Clemens, Z., Dabóczi, A., Andrásofszky, E., Schimmer, M., Daniels, N., Szathmári, O., Fésüs, E., & Horváth, R. (2024). The Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (PKD) is Associated With Low C-peptide Levels In Non-T1DM Patients And Healthy Subjects. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 12(4), 76–87.