Aim and Scope

The British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research is an international, single-blinded peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides an easy access to high quality manuscripts in all related aspects of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings. The journal also focuses upon the challenges and opportunities and how healthcare can benefit from it in terms of reduced costs and improved diagnosis, therapy, and care. Access to health care manuscripts provides an insight that varies across countries, groups, and individuals, largely influenced by social and economic conditions as well as the health policies in place. The journal brings professionals in medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, nursing, dentistry, midwifery (obstetrics) and allied health, plus many other disciplines such as public health practitioners, community health workers and assistive personnel, who systematically provide personal and population-based preventive, curative and rehabilitative care services in health care under single roof.

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