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Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal – Vol. 8, No. 6
Publication Date: June 25, 2021
DOI:10.14738/assrj.86.10264. Shi, K., Zhang, H., & Hu, H. (2021). Does team cohesion always positively influence team innovation? A chain mediation model.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(6). 106-116.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Does team cohesion always positively influence team innovation?
A chain mediation model
Kun Shi
Southwest University Faculty of Psychology, Chongqing, 400715
Hua Zhang
Southwest University Faculty of Psychology, Chongqing, 400715
Haoxiang Hu
Southwest University Faculty of Psychology, Chongqing, 400715
This study explores the chain-mediating mechanism between organizational
climate and team job crafting on team cohesion and team innovation behavior,
based on the input-mediator-outcome-input (IMOI) theory .Using 229 valid
samples, the result shows that team cohesion, organizational climate and team job
crafting can significantly positively predict team innovation behavior; team job
crafting plays an intermediary role between team cohesion and team innovation
behavior; organizational climate and team job crafting play a chain mediating role
between team cohesion and team innovation behavior. When other factors are
taken into account, team cohesion is not always a positive factor in team innovation
behavior This research attempted to combine the organizational factors with the
mediating mechanism of team job crafting on team innovation behavior, and
provide theoretical and practical guidance for the organizations on team
Key words: Team cohesion, team innovation behavior, organizational atmosphere, team
job crafting
In recent years, the corporate environment has become increasingly complex, ambiguous,
unpredictable, and in a constant state of change. In this era, more and more enterprises attach
importance to teamwork. Teamwork can make the operation environment more flexible and
efficient, and assist enterprises in adapting to the evolving landscape (Gilson & Shalley, 2004).
Enterprises must continuously research and innovate to achieve competitive advantages in the
marketplace. Therefore, methods of promoting team innovation behavior and realizing
innovation-driven development for Chinese enterprises have become important research
Team cohesion can promote the generation of team innovation (Cao, 2014). Team cohesion, as
an important antecedent variable of organizational atmosphere (Jin et al., 2014), has the effect
on retaining team members (Festinger, 1950). It refers to an individual's view of the entire team
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Shi, K., Zhang, H., & Hu, H. (2021). Does team cohesion always positively influence team innovation? A chain mediation model. Advances in Social
Sciences Research Journal, 8(6). 106-116.
regarding intimacy, similarity, and unity of team members, providing an environment of
cooperation for the team (Makikangas et al., 2017).
Input-mediator-outcome-input (IMOI) model is an important theoretical tool for team research.
According to the IMOI team operation model, input variables comprise the organizational
atmosphere and team output includes team innovation (Mathieu et al., 2008). Reshaping
teamwork is a mediation process and is affected by the team input variables, which influences
the team output and plays an intermediary role between team input and output (Wang, 2020).
Team cohesion is an important predictor of team behavior (Qiang & Ning, 2010) through
bottom-up synthesis, that is, the aggregation of team cohesion produces a high-level attribute
that is the same as its constituent elements, and has an impact on the organizational
atmosphere. Organizational atmosphere then has an influence on team job crafting through the
top-down context (Zhan & Sun, 2014), which promotes the generation of team innovation
behavior. Therefore, this research explores the chain-mediating mechanism between
organizational climate, team job crafting on team cohesion, and team innovation behavior
based on the IMOI theory.
There are two main innovation points in this study: first, considering the two levels of team and
organization, discussing the mechanism of employee innovation behavior generation, and
second, When trying to explore several variables that simultaneously act on team innovation
behavior, whether team cohesion has a positive impact on team innovation behavior as a single
factor plays a role in team innovation behavior.
Team cohesion and team innovation behavior
The influence of team cohesion on team innovation behavior has been confirmed by many
researchers. Team innovation behavior refers to the behavior of the team as a whole in
producing novel and useful ideas through the full cooperation of team members and applying
these ideas and solutions to new products or services (Deng et al., 2019). Amabile (1988)
believes that a cohesive team can generate team innovation behaviors. Therefore, team
cohesion is considered an important antecedent variable of team innovation behavior. Team
cohesion will affect trust and openness within the team (Amabile et al., 1996), which promotes
information sharing and communication within the team, facilitating new ideas. New ideas and
good interpersonal interaction between team members accelerate the knowledge flowing
within the team (Cao, 2014), promoting the generation of team innovation behavior.
Therefore, it is proposed that:
Hypothesis 1: Team cohesion can positively predict team innovation behavior.
Mediating effect of organizational climate
Organizational climate refers to the overall perception by the employees in the organization of
the practices, procedures, and behaviors, which are expected, supported, and rewarded in the
workplace (Reichers & Schneider, 1990). When these common perceptions of individuals in the
same organization are consistent, they gradually shape the organizational atmosphere and
impact team innovation behavior (Tagliaventi, 2015). As a significant antecedent variable of
organizational climate, team cohesion has a very important reference value for organizations
and managers in creating a purposeful atmosphere.
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Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol. 8, Issue 6, June-2021
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
First, an individual's attitude and behavior depend on the available information in his or her
workplace (Salancik, 1978). When individuals perceive team cohesion, they increase the
interaction among social members in the organization. A good organizational atmosphere can
be formed by providing clues and information about the behavior expected, encouraged, and
supported by the organization, which will affect employee and team behavior. Secondly,
individuals share their perceptions, explanations, and opinions in the process of understanding
and explaining the organizational environment, and influence each other’s attitudes, opinions
and behaviors through social interaction (Meyer, 1994). According to the Sense Making Theory,
members with high team cohesion will communicate with each other; influencing each other’s
views and attitudes in the process of understanding the organization environment.
Furthermore, they have a similar explanation of the same organizational events and promote
team innovation behavior through a justice atmosphere and group voice climate. Finally, when
the individual level of cognition, emotion, behavior, or other characteristics increases and point
to a higher level (e.g., team, organization) structure through the interaction of the bottom-up
process, an atmosphere of team and organization is presented (Kozlowski, 2000). Further, the
phenomenon of the individual as a conduit in communication will affect new points of view,
which is conducive to innovation behavior.
Therefore, it is proposed that:
Hypothesis 2: Organizational climate can significantly positively predict team innovation
Hypothesis 3: Organizational climate plays a mediating role between team cohesion and
team innovation behavior.
Mediating effect of team job crafting
Team job crafting refers to the coordinated efforts of team members to balance the resources
and demands of the work (Tims et al., 2013). According to the IMOI team operation model, team
cohesion can promote the generation of team job crafting and have a positive impact on team
innovation behavior. Therefore, team job crafting plays an intermediary role between team
input and output, fosters employees' initiative and creativity, and improves team work
efficiency in complex working environments.
Foremost, the unity of team members encourages feedback from colleagues, develops a positive
mutual assistance environment, integrates the requirements and resources in the work
environment, complements each other in skills, matches the team and the work environment,
increases job input, and improves team innovation behavior. Secondly, the closeness among
team members can promote the generation of positive emotions, reduce tension among
colleagues, make team members more dynamic, increase interaction and wisdom sharing
among team members, and promote the generation of team innovation behaviors. This leads to
less obstruction to the work requirements. Finally, reshaping teamwork involves the
integration of resources and task reconstruction within the whole team. When the team goal is
clear, the team with high cohesion has higher achievement motivation, which can enhance the
sense of team self-efficacy and is conducive to the generation of team innovation behavior.
Therefore, it is proposed that:
Hypothesis 4: team job crafting can positively predict team innovation behavior.
Hypothesis 5: team job crafting plays a mediating role between team cohesion and team
innovation behavior.
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Shi, K., Zhang, H., & Hu, H. (2021). Does team cohesion always positively influence team innovation? A chain mediation model. Advances in Social
Sciences Research Journal, 8(6). 106-116.
Chained mediation model
Organizational climate and team job reshaping are different concepts; however, there is a
relationship between the both. A good organizational atmosphere is a prerequisite for
teamwork. The remolding of teamwork needs to adjust the boundaries of the team constantly.
The wisdom sharing and mutual assistance environment among team members is also based
on the common perception of team members in terms of expectation, support, and reward.
Therefore, the organizational atmosphere has a positive impact on the remolding of teamwork.
Using the proposed hypotheses, team cohesion has an impact on the organizational atmosphere
through the interaction of social members, promoting team job crafting, which will impact team
innovation behavior.
Therefore, it is proposed that:
Hypothesis 6: Organizational climate and team job crafting have a chain mediating effect
between team cohesion and team innovation behavior.
Samples and procedures
We collect data from an online survey by a human resources company in northern China, which
operates human resources-related services (headhunting, consulting), and the supreme
management agrees to collect data from their nine branches, provided that consulting reports
are provided. Prior to the survey, Human Resources helped us inform all eligible participants
about the research project and invited them to participate in the survey. Different teams are
assigned to different businesses within the company's department, so this study discusses
variables at the team and organizational levels. Sample questionnaires were collected from 334
participants. There were 35 invalid questionnaires, which were excluded; the effective rate was
89.52%. In terms of gender, males accounted for 38.46% and females 61.53% of the total
population. Measurement by age indicated 34.1% were between 18 and 24 years old, 60.2%
were between 25 and 34 years old, 3.7% were between 35 and 44 years old; and 2% were over
45 years old. Regarding their educational background, 4.7% had education below a junior
college degree, 15.7% had a junior college degree, 65.6% had a bachelor’s degree, and 14% had
a master’s degree or above. In reference to job rank, 72.9% were ordinary employees, 18.4%
were first-line managers (such as monitor and group leader), 7.2% were middle managers
(such as department director), and 1.3% were senior managers (such as general manager).
Likert 5-point scale was adopted for each scale, with 1 indicating "strongly disagree" and 5
indicating "strongly agree."
Team cohesion: Four questions from the Team Cohesion Scale compiled by Seashore (1954)
were adopted. In order to adapt to the environment of Chinese, this study uses the back
translation method to translate the original questionnaire. These statements focused on
“personal information is not disclosed”, with statements such as, "The members of our team
(department) get along very well." (Cronbach’s α was 0.856.)
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Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol. 8, Issue 6, June-2021
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Organizational climate: We adopted questions from a scale originally proposed by Amabile et
al. (1996), That was adapted by Li (2016). Six items were used, with statements such as,
"colleagues are able to support and help each other." (Cronbach’s α was 0.856.)
Team job crafting: For this section, we adopted 21 topics based on work-resource integration
model created by Tims et al (2013). This scale is widely used in foreign authoritative journals
and provided statements such as, "I decide how to work in a team." (Cronbach’s α was 0.951.)
Team innovation behavior: Six items from a scale developed by Scott (1994) was used to assess
team innovation behavior. These included statements such as, "Our team can look for new
production techniques, processes, or product ideas." (Cronbach’s α was 0.903.)
The software AMOS 21.0 was used to conduct confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the
variables (Table 1). Table 1 shows the four factor model fitting index was the optimal results
(Δ chi-square = 121.45, Δ df = 3, p < 0.001), and the model was superior to other alternatives.
The other model fitting indexes all reached the critical value, which indicated that the
measurement model had good discriminative validity.
Table 1 Validate the results of the factor analysis
Model χ2 df χ2/d
Four factor model (A、B、C、D) 1617.11 623.0
0 2.60 0.8
6 0.07 0.05
Three factor model(A+B、C、
D) 1738.56 626.0
0 2.71 0.8
4 0.08 0.06 121.45
Two factor model (A+B+D、C) 2265.71 628.0
0 3.61 0.7
7 0.09 0.06 527.15
One factor model(A+B+C+D) 2436.76 645.0
0 3.79 0.7
5 0.10 0.08 171.05
Note:A=Team cohesion,B=Organizational climate,C=team job crafting,D=Team
innovation behavior
Using SPSS 22.0 and Harman's method, each questionnaire was used as all the items in the
exploratory factor analysis, indicating that there was no serious common method deviation in
this study. The results showed that the characteristic roots of 5 factors were greater than 1, and
the interpretation rate of the first common factor precipitated out was 46.49%, which was less
than 50%.
The mean value, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient of each variable were shown in
Table 2. Team innovation behavior was significantly positively correlated with team cohesion
(r=0.453, P <0.01), organizational atmosphere (r=0.60, P <0.01), and team job crafting
(r=0.783, P <0.01). Correlation analysis provided a prerequisite for further exploration of the
relationship between variables in this study.