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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol. 9, No. 4

Publication Date: August 25, 2021

DOI:10.14738/aivp.94.10651. Hartati, N., Wardani, A. K., Idrus, O., Margunani, Rachmadani, W. S., & Asari, A. (2021). Implementation Analysis of Integrated

MSMEs Financial Statement System (SILARUM). European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(4). 172-184.

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Implementation Analysis of Integrated MSMEs Financial

Statement System (SILARUM)

Noorina Hartati

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Terbuka Semarang, Indonesia

Amalia Kusuma Wardani

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Terbuka Semarang, Indonesia

Olivia Idrus

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Wulan Suci Rachmadani

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Ayu Asari

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are vital to support the economy in

Indonesia. The flow of globalization and high competition has caused MSMEs to face

global challenges, such as improving product innovation, developing human

resources and technology, expanding the marketing area, and applying

professional management. The accounting recording system for MSMEs is found to

ignore financial accounting standards. Factually, accurate and standardized

financial reports will support MSME players in developing their business. This study

aims to design an integrated financial application as a solution for MSMEs and assist

them in applying financial accounting standards called SILARUM. Applying this

system, hopefully, MSMEs can make accountable and transparent financial

management systems for their business.

Keywords: MSMEs; Financial Reporting System; Integrated System


MSMEs are playing a communal role in many industries as supporting organizations providing

more opportunities for vertical integration in rural, remote areas, and thus this sector

contributes tremendously to the nation's fiscal progress (Gade, 2018). However, economic

globalization has created many challenges for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) due to the

rapid increase in competition. Generally, MSMEs often develop their businesses slowly due to

various conventional problems that have not been resolved completely (closed-loop problems),

such as problems with human resource capacity, ownership, financing, marketing, and various

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Hartati, N., Wardani, A. K., Idrus, O., Margunani, Rachmadani, W. S., & Asari, A. (2021). Implementation Analysis of Integrated MSMEs Financial

Statement System (SILARUM). European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(4). 172-184.


other problems related to business management which make them difficult to compete with

large companies (Abor and Quartey: 2010). The role of MSMEs is important in supporting the

economy in Indonesia. Besides, most MSMEs also have weak managerial abilities, financial

management, standardized accounting records (In Indonesian called SAK, which stands for

Standard Akuntansi Keuangan or Financial Accounting Standard), and less capable human

resources unable to run their business properly. Jindrichovska (2013) states that poor financial

management is a critical and common cause of business failures in SMEs. Particularly lack of

financial management knowledge combined with the uncertainty of the business environment

often leads SMEs to face serious problems regarding financial and overall performances, which

can even threaten the enterprise's survival.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have an important position in the worldwide

economy, so the accounting information must have the same role (Sava et al., 2013). The MSME

bookkeeping system is generally simple and far from financial accounting standards despite its

benefit of being accurate and standardized. The accurate and standardized financial reports

will be helpful to develop business quantitatively and qualitatively. Therefore, the Indonesian

Institute of Accountants has prepared Financial Accounting Standard for MSMEs-SAK-ETAP

(Entities Without Public Accountability), officially effective on January 1, 2011.

It has been confirmed that one of the obstacles faced by MSMEs is the lack of expertise in

financial management. The information has misled them about its complexity. Therefore, it is

significant to create innovation to make financial reports applications simpler and easier by

integrating technology to ease the MSMEs. This study elaborates financial reporting application

system. It is an integrated web-based financial reporting application that is expected to apply

financial accounting standards.

The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews the relevant literature. Section 3

analyses the methodology that has been used to conduct empirical research on the factors

affecting the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. Sections 4 and 5 provide findings and

conclusions subsequently.

Signaling Theory

The signal theory clarifies the need for firms to provide their financial statement for external

parties. This theory aims to encourage corporates to provide current asymmetry information

between companies and external parties. It is expected that companies can attract other

prospects such as investors or creditors by providing financial statements well. Providing

reliable financial statements can avoid prospects in giving low value to the companies.

Therefore, companies can reduce information asymmetry, which signals the external parties by

providing them reliable financial information to reduce uncertainty regarding its future (Wolk

et al., 2000).

Principals Agency Theory

The agency model is considered one of the oldest managements and economics literature (Daily

et al., 2003; Wasserman, 2006). An agency relationship is a contract between the principal and

the agent. Agency theory discusses the problems that surface in the firms due to the separation

of owners and managers and emphasizes reducing this problem. This theory helps implement